A brief overview of the footprint Tower Arctic Ltd. has etched throughout the Arctic.
From our early beginnings on the beachhead at Resolute Bay over 70 years ago, Tower Arctic Ltd. has successfully completed well over 1500 large, medium and small projects for government and private owners throughout Canada.
Apex Bridge Replacement – Iqaluit, Nunavut
Tower Arctic was the successful bidder on the tender to replace the ageing bridge to Apex in 2024. The project consisted of the removal and dismantling of the existing bailey bridge, design and construction of new concrete and earthwork abutments, and the installation of a new modular baily bridge. This new construction allowed the bridge to be expanded from a single lane to 2 lanes with an attached pedestrian walkway. Tower Arctic expertise in northern logistics and construction allowed the new bridge to be designed, built, shipped and installed less than 6 months after the tender close. Read More
Nunavut Recorvery Center – Aqqusariaq (Civil Works) – Iqaluit, Nunavut
TAL’s work under this contract encompasses the supply and installation of all civil components. This includes, but not limited to, the supply and installation of water and sewer services, the establishment of a new road entrance, walkway, development of a parking area, construction of a gabion wall, and the supply of all concrete for the entire Recovery Center and On the Land Building. Read More
Drainage Improvement – Palaugaa Drive and Kangiqslinq Drive
Work under this contract consists of drainage improvements including swale and ditch construction, culvert installation, and site reinstatement. Read More
Water System Phase 2 – Resolute Bay, Nunavut
Work under this contract consists of the construction of a new pump house at Char Lake and replacement of the existing water treatment plant.
Airside Surfaces Rehabilitation – Clyde River, Nunavut
Work under this contract consists of the production of aggregate base material, hauling and stockpiling of aggregate base material, scarification of existing airfield surfaces, placement grading and compaction of granular base material on existing airfield surfaces and adjustment of existing threshold lighting and edge lighting heights.Read More
New Water Treatment Facility and Reservoir – Arviat, Nunavut
Work under this contract consists of the construction of a new water treatment plant, substructure, superstructure, mechanical work, electrical work, instrumentation, automation, clear water tank, back wash tank, additional raw water reservoir, intake pipe, site work and demolition of existing filtration building after commissioning of new water treatment plant. Read More
New Utilidor System – Resolute Bay, Nunavut
Project consisted of the complete replacement of the existing water and sewer system. Eighty-nine (89) water and sewer services were installed to residential, commercial and municipal buildings along with the installation of thirty-seven (37) access vaults. In order to maintain water and sewer service and minimize disruption to the members of the community temporary by-pass systems were implemented throughout the construction process.Read More
Iqaluit International Airport Improvement Project – Iqaluit, Nunavut
Project involvement consisted of heavy equipment supply and operation for civil works mainly aggregate import/export required to build new airside taxiways, runway upgrades, asphalt resurfacing, water realignments, culvert installations, apron extensions, etc.
Small Craft Harbour – Pangnirtung, Nunavut
A project awarded by the federal government of Canada, work on this contract consisted of dredging of the small craft harbor in the hamlet of Pangnirtung. Construction of a new West Breakwater, Sea-lift ramp, marshalling area and fish habitat compensation.
Qulliq Energy – New Corporate Office Building – Iqaluit, Nunavut
Project consisted of the construction of a new 3-storey 855 Sq. Meter corporate office building. Unlike most buildings throughout the arctic which are built on pile foundations, a thermosyphon system was implemented to enable a concrete slab on grade foundation for this project.
Inuksuit School Addition/Renovation and Community Learning Center – Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut
Project consisted of the construction of a new 1,543 Sq. Meter addition and a 1,965 Sq. Meter renovation to the existing school building.
Pangnirtung Water Reservoir – Pangnirtung, Nunavut
The main component of this project consisted of the excavation of 135,000m3 of permafrost material, up to depths of 11 meters, excavated material was used to form a retaining berm. Furthermore, the installation of a sub-drain system and the placement of 30,000 square meters of polyethylene liner.
Municipal Landfill Fire – City of Iqaluit
Project involvement consisted of heavy equipment supply and operation in conjunction with a fire suppression company to extinguish the City of Iqaluit Dump Fire.
Deep Sea Cellular Dock – Polaris Mine, Little Cornwallis Island, Nunavut
In the early 1980’s, with an innovative engineering and construction proposal, Tower Arctic Ltd. was awarded the contract to build the Cominco Polaris Mine’s deep sea cellular dock on Little Cornwallis Island. The project included the offshore construction of four (4) – eight five (85) foot in diameter cells, joined by three (3) smaller cells.
City of Iqaluit Breakwater
This city landmark consisted of dredging the small craft harbour along with the construction of a new breakwater. The dredged material was used to form the core of the new breakwater, blasted rip-rap material was placed along the breakwater slopes to protect the core.
Lupin Mine – Nunavut
Lupin Gold Mine was originally owned and operated by Echo Bay Mines Limited. Tower Arctic Ltd. was contracted to build the water intake superstructure at Contwoyto Lake, and the water supply pipeline to the gold processing plant. Tower Arctic also built the tailings pipeline to the tailings settlement ponds.